For children and adolescents to improve attention, concentration and support emotional balance, Mindfulness Sessions in Milan are needed
Mindfulness sessions in Milan is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.
Mindfulness is a quality that every human being already possesses, it’s not something you have to conjure up, you just have to learn how to access it.
While mindfulness is innate, it can be cultivated through proven techniques, particularly seated, walking, standing, and movingmeditation (it’s also possible lying down but often leads to sleep).
Short pauses we insert into everyday life; and merging meditation practice with other activities, such as yoga or sports.
It doesn’t help to fixate on the benefits when we meditate,
but rather to simply do the practice,
yet there are benefits,
otherwise no one would do it.
When we’re mindful, we reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and aware ness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being.
Mindfulness meditation gives us a time in our lives when we can suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind,
approaching our experience with warmth and kindness—to ourselves and others.
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