Milan Emotional disorders evaluation and therapy is given to the kids experiencing academic and social problems like anger management and anxiety at school
Emotional disorder is a mental disorder in which one’s emotions are disturbed to a great extent. This disorder is not due to any abnormalities in the brain development or function. It is a psychological condition in which thoughts and emotions are not in the proper state. When the personality of an individual is exhibited by unduly emotional thinking and dramatic behavior, it is clearly an indication of overly emotional disorder.
Though the causes of emotional disorders are not very specific, there is a correlation between the disorders with certain causal factors like, exposure to prenatal drugs, experience of physical abuse, poverty, being neglected, parental stress, changing rules and expectations, confusion over long time and so on. The causes can be broadly categorized into biological, family, school or living environment.
Emotional disorders list would typically cover various types of emotional disorders in various stages – from childhood to adulthood. Several such emotional disorders in children are broadly categorized into conduct disorders, emotional disturbances, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, and so on. Though the list of overly emotional disorders in children is endless, the following are the frequently exhibited disorders.
Children suffering from conduct disorders are mostly diagnosed with anti-social behaviors, namely aggressiveness, throwing tantrums, stealing, lying, and hostility, destructive and manipulative attitude. Their noncompliance to rules and indifference towards others poses a great challenge to teachers, leading to frustration and annoyance.
Emotional disorders list include improper eating habits, depression, and extreme stress; most of these lead to negative behavior in the individual’s personality. In children, the most commonly encountered psychiatric emotional disorder is the change of mood. It includes depression and bipolar disorder.
The rigid and pervasive behavior pattern exhibited is totally different from the cultural expectations, and results in distress. The disorder may be schizotypal, showing uneasiness in close relationships or borderline, marked by uncertainty in interpersonal relationship or dependent, exhibiting a highly clinging attitude with the need to be cared for.
The most prevalent types of emotional disorders in children are anxiety disorder. The suffering children exhibit fear, shyness and nervousness. It includes phobia, panic, obsessive-compulsive disorders, separation anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Children exhibiting over activity and short span of attention are easily diverted and are unable to consolidate their schedules.
Children easily lose their temper and argue a lot with others. They are quickly irritated by others and express anger often.
How Are Emotional/Behavioral Diagnoses Made in Lo Studio?
A diagnosis will be made after careful review and integration of test data, observations, information gathered from multiple sources including your child or adolescent, family members, school personnel, and other mental health providers working with your child.
What Does an Emotional/Behavioral Evaluation Include?
-Clinical interviews (with you and your child/adolescent)
-Consultation with professionals, including teachers and other professionals working with your child/adolescent
-Objective testing measures, including behavior rating scales, self-report personality measures and measures of family functioning
-Assessment of early temperament, developmental history and psychosocial stressors
-Projective tests which are designed to provide insight about the unconscious processes that might be influencing your child’s behavior and emotions
What Can an Emotional/Behavioral Evaluation in Milan Tell Me About My Child?
Testing will provide clarity about your child’s diagnosis. In addition we will provide in-depth information about your child’s self-image, style of relating to others, coping skills and frustration tolerance, and thought processes.
This information will be invaluable to achieve a better understanding of why your child behaves as he/she does and can be beneficial in directing the course of treatment.